Digital marketing trends for 2020


Writer & Blogger

If you are a digital marketer, you must be well aware of Professor Kotler and his idea of “Three Types of Marketing”. While talking about the concept of Marketing 3.0, he said,
“Only a few companies work in this instance. Marketing 3.0 means understanding that getting to know the client is much more than finding a person interested in your product”.

Today, more and more companies are following this idea – understanding and getting to know the client.

With the beginning of a new decade and the influence of machine learning and artificial intelligence on digital marketing services, new doors to greater opportunities are about to open. If you are out-of-date with your marketing skills, you’re limiting your brand’s reach. You may be very well unaware of new digital marketing trends, but your potential customers and your competitors, might know them already. To help you keep up the pace, we have curated the following trends to look out for in 2020.

  1. Chatbots – Personal assistance without the need of an actual person. The technological advancements that we are looking at today are breathing new life into Chatbots. They are becoming more powerful and persuasive than the previous years. Chatbots help you create a 1 to 1 interaction with your client, which can surely not be compared with broadcasting messages to customers or showing them an advertisement. Investing in chatbots for digital marketing services would give you a great advantage over your competitors, as leading a trend rather than following it could give you greater results that you become known for.

    Read – Why consider chatbots for your marketing strategy?

  2. Shoppable posts – There is a new term being coined parallel to e-commerce, known as social commerce. It refers to buying products directly from social media posts. These posts were launched by Instagram in 2019 and they’re getting more and more attention. According to a report, at least 54% of users use such posts to research products.

  3. Direct Messaging – As a means of increasing sales, brands are using Direct Messages to streamline customer service. The users can directly talk to the brand about the product they are looking for. With messaging apps like Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook, brands are creating more direct connections with their customers. It is a convenient way of forming relationships with customers, addressing complaints or taking orders. This technique works best when a brand encourages its users to message them by providing their handle or username.

  4. Sentiment Analysis – It is a part of digital marketing services which analyzes the user’s reactions to a product or service. Mostly, online reviews aren’t totally black-and-white. There’s always an area that you can use to identify what the user wants to convey. Maybe they like a product but aren’t that happy with a particular feature. Maybe the product is okay but it is not what they were expecting.
    Sentiment analysis uses a lot of data and algorithms to skim through responses and evaluate them. You can use the insights to fine tune your products, create strategies, change your approach and increase your sales.

  5. Emails – It is the oldest yet one of the most evolved aspects of digital marketing. Recently, we have seen a swift decline in emails that contain plain-texts. They have been replaced by great designs that look much different from a simple HTML design. Emails could go into 2020 with new features like smart buttons for redirecting them to your purchase pages, and other interactions. 

These new email designs don’t just impress your customers, but make them look forward to receiving your mail, keeping them engaged and increasing conversions. It’s worth making sure your emails are engaging and beautiful.

Read : Email Marketing : A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re looking to upgrade your brand approach with digital marketing services, it is great that you follow the current trends. Want to start today? Contact Us and we would be pleased to help you.


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